Participant Feedback

  • ‘Found the training very engaging and informative. I feel it has affirmed some of the practices I am doing, but also challenged practices in other areas. I can default to defending men and this training confronted me at times - but that’s why I did the training. Thank you for a very well presented training.’

  • ‘We found the training incredibly useful and very applicable to the work that we do with families. I had lots of staff letting me know how great they found the information and resources discussed.’

  • ‘People from my team [homelessness service] were all talking about how great the training was (a colleague even said it was the best training she'd ever done!!). I also thought everything was so relevant and thought provoking, but also very practical and digestible.’

  • ‘Safe, inviting learning space. Clear, helpful information and suggestions.’

  • ‘The training has been resourceful and thoughtful in a brilliant way!! Thanks to Kelly and Ada for all the wonderful thought provoking talks.’

  • ‘I really liked unpacking this word “collusion” and exploring the reasons a man invites us to and what to do when we inadvertently collude.’